Minutes of the annual general meeting of the Club held at Roding Sports Centre, Luxborough Lane, Chigwell, Essex IG 7 5 AB at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th September 2018.
PRESENT: Julie Warwick-Munday (Chairman)
Richard Higgins (President)
Tom Stumbke (Hon. Treasurer)
Jane Blake (Hon. Secretary)
Peter Kempe (Membership secretary)
IN ATTENDANCE: Michael Williamson (Director of coaching)
1. The Chairman noted that proxies had been received from 23 members of the Club and that the meeting was quorate and declared the meeting open.
2. The President welcomed the members to the meeting,
3. There were no apologies for absence.
4. The Chairman presented her report.
5. The Honorary Secretary presented her report. The minutes of the 2017 annual general meeting were approved.
6. The Honorary Treasurer presented his report.
7. The President, Club Chairman, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Membership secretary were each re-elected.
8. Gane Jackson Scott LLP were reappointed as the auditors of the Club.
9. The resolution that there be no annual subscriptions or match fees was approved.
10. The amendment to rule 11.1 was approved.
There being no other business the meeting terminated.
Dear Club Member
As you know Old Loughtonians Hockey Club transferred all of its activities and assets to Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited (the "Company") as at midnight on 30 April 2017.
Since then the Club has continued in existence whilst the management committee and Company/Club general manager have been dealing with the practical transfer of the activities such as setting up new bank accounts and assigning or novating contracts. The Club has not yet been dissolved.
The Club must hold an annual general meeting each year between March and September. The notice of this year's annual general meeting is attached together with a proxy form and a copy of the Club's accounts which have been approved by the management committee.
The quorum for all general meetings is 25 members entitled to vote.
All playing members are now members of the Company and not the Club. The only remaining members of the Club are its Honorary Members (rule 4.2.2 of the constitution):
(a) The President;
(b) The Vice-Presidents; and
(c) The Honorary Life Members,
as well as the members of the management committee who were elected last year.
For the meeting to be quorate the Club does not need members to attend in person but does need 25 members present in person or by proxy. Please would each Life Member or Vice-President therefore either attend in person or return the proxy form (by email or by post) so that we can have a quorate meeting.
We anticipate that we will have one final extraordinary general meeting of the Club in order to resolve to dissolve the Club. As this will be an administrative matter we are proposing that the members amend the constitution so that the quorum for general meetings is 4 instead of 25. That will enable the management committee to proceed without the need for 25 members to attend in person or by proxy. All members will of course receive notice of the meeting and be entitled to attend and vote if they so wish.
If any member has any questions on advance of the meeting or would like to add anything to the agenda please let the Honorary Secretary know.