OLHCL Annual general Meetings 11 of 12

11. Club AGM 2019

Minutes of the annual general meeting of the Club held at Roding Sports Centre, Luxborough Lane, Chigwell, Essex IG 7 5 AB at 7.30pm on Monday 23rd September 2019.
PRESENT: Jane Blake (Hon. Secretary)
Justin Fox (Vice-President)
Samantha Gayler (Vice-President)
Peter Kempe (Membership Secretary)
Tom Stumbke (Hon. Treasurer)
APOLOGIES: Julie Warwick-Munday (Chairman)

IN ATTENDANCE: Simon Beckley, Elliott Smith, Phillip Wheater, John Wright
1.In the absence of Julie Warwick-Munday, the Membership Secretary took the chair and declared the meeting open.
2. The Chairman welcomed the members to the meeting and noted that there was one apology for absence.
3. The Chairman noted that a proxy had been received from Julie Warwick-Munday and that the meeting was quorate.
4. The Chairman's report was taken as read.
5. The Honorary Secretary presented her report. The minutes of the 2018 annual general meeting were approved.
6. The Honorary Treasurer presented his report. It was noted that the bank account was still open and some funds were still being received albeit as nominee for Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited.
7. Jane Blake, Richard Higgins, Peter Kempe and Tom Stumbke were each re-elected as Hon. Secretary, President, Membership Secretary and Hon. Treasurer respectively.
8. Phillip Wheater was appointed as the new Chairman of the Club.
9. Gane Jackson Scott LLP were reappointed as the auditors of the Club.
10. The resolution that there be no annual subscriptions or match fees was approved.
There being no other business the meeting terminated at 7.42.