Dear fellow members
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As your management committee we are are trying to continue to create an environment at Old Loughts where everyone feels part of the Loughts community, shares a common vision for the club and wants to get involved as a volunteer to the best of their abilities.
In recent years we have struggled to find volunteers for some of the key roles at the club. Players and parents lead busy lives and, understandably, few seem to have the time or commitment needed to carry out some of the more onerous core management roles.
Please read this article on the Information page which addresses the dilemma and our suggested solution.
Please also watch this insightful YouTube clip which encapsulates some of the challenges faced by amateur community clubs.
In brief, we are separating the running of the hockey activities from the management of the clubhouse and grounds in the hope that this will encourage more players and parents to get involved in every aspect of hockey at Loughts.
It is vitally important that those playing or watching hockey throughout the season feel enthused and able to contribute to the running of all our sections and teams. As a hockey community we are all here to support each other and we would like as many people as possible to get involved and to take on key roles.
If, having read this, you are keen to do more please contact Simon Beckley (Men’s club captain) or Sam Gayler (Women’s club captain) or anyone else on the management committee.