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Club roles and committees
Governance and club roles 1 of 4

1. Club roles and committees

This note seeks to explain the structure of Old Loughtonians Hockey Club ( the "Club") and explains who does what.

Please let Simon Beckley know if you are interested in volunteering for any of these roles. We welcome volunteers from across the membership and anyone with a connection to the Club who would like to help in any way.


Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited (the “Company”) is a company limited by guarantee. It has no shareholders. Each member agrees to guarantee the obligations of the Club up to £1.00.

The Company runs the hockey activities of the members. It has a wholly owned subsidiary called Old Loughtonians Services Limited ("Services") which looks after the non playing activities such as pitch and hall hire and maintenance.

The Old Loughtonians Talent Academy is run separately.

Board of Directors

The business of the Club is managed by the directors of the Company and Services (“Directors”) who are advised by a management committee formed of elected officers (“ManCom”).

The current Directors are Cindy Falconer, Richard Higgins  and Phillip Wheater.

There should always be one Director from both the Ladies section and Men’s section of the Club. Directors are appointed by the members of the Company ("Members") by ordinary resolution (majority vote). The Directors are statutory officers of the Club.

The other statutory officer is the company secretary.


The Directors delegate the conduct of routine business of the Club to ManCom. Unless otherwise agreed by the Directors, the ManCom members are (with effect from the 2023 AGM) :

(a) the President (currently Richard Higgins);

(b) the Chairman (currently Simon Beckley);

(c) the Company Secretary (currently Peter Kempe);

(d) the Finance Officer (vacant);

(e) the Ladies Club Captain (currently Sam Gayler);

(f) the Men’s Club Captain (currently Simon Beckley );

(g) the Membership Secretary (Neil Berkeley);

(h) the Playing and Performance Officer (currently vacant);

(i) the Property Management Officer (currently vacant); and

(i) the Welfare and Safeguarding Officer (currently Cindy Falconer), as well as

(j) such other Member(s) as the Directors agree in writing known as “Co-opted Members”. There are currently 2 Co-opted Members, Jay Fox and John Wright.

Directors and ManCom members (other than Co-opted Members) are elected and re-elected annually by the Members. All of these roles are set out in the Club’s articles of association (the “Articles”) which govern the Club. There are also a number of other key roles which Members volunteer to help with namely;

(a) the Communications Officer (to be filled);

(b) a Computer Systems Officer (to be filled);

(c) the Covid Officer (Jay Fox);

(d) the Data Protection Officer (Jack Tranter);

(e) the Discipline Officer (Cindy Falconer);

(f) the East League Liaison Officer (Simon Beckley);

(g) the EDIB Officer (to be filled);

(h) the Health and Safety Officer (Jack Tranter);

(i) the Ladies Fixtures Secretary (Rachel Paddon);

(j) the Ladies Team Secretary (Jane Blake);

(k) the London Area Liaison Officer (Alec Waterhouse).

(l) Men’s Fixtures Secretary (Gerry Smith);

(m)Social Secretary(ies) (to be filled);

(n) a Sponsorship Officer (to be filled);

(o) the Umpire Development Officer (Jane Blake);

(p) the Umpire Liaison Officer (Ian Padfield);

(q) the Vice Chairman; (Peter Kempe); and

(r) the Website Co-ordinator (Jane Blake).

The Directors appoint all of these officers. They are not elected by the Members.

Team captains and managers are appointed by ManCom unless there is more than one volunteer in which case the Members vote.


The Directors and ManCom can (and do) delegate some matters to sub-committees for specific help, for example the Centenary Committee, Fun in the Forest Group and Fundraising Committee.

In addition there are the following formal committees' namely:

(a) the Finance and General Purposes Committee;

(b) the Playing and Coaching Committee;

(c) the Property Management Committee; and

(d) the Welfare Committee.

Each of these has bespoke subcommittees such as (for example) the Ladies Section selection committee under Playing and Coaching or the EDIB committee under Welfare.

Additional Roles

The Directors can also appoint individual Members to take on other roles not covered by the Articles as well as appointing paid staff to carry out certain functions.

Further details of all these volunteer roles are set out in the schedule to this note.

The main paid roles (in addition to coaching appointments) are currently:

(a) Accounts manager (Sophie Wheater);

(b) Bar Manager; (Jack Tranter);

(c) Catering Manager (Louisa Kaye);

(d) General Manager (Jack Tranter);

(e) Groundsman (Lester McKenzie); and

(f) Office Administrator (Anita Berkeley).

The Club also employs part time kitchen staff and bar staff and engages external cleaners.

The Schedule

This schedule gives some guidance on the scope of the Club roles.

(a) The Bar Manager

The Bar Manger is responsible for the day to day management of the bar in the clubhouse including ordering and selling stock and manning the bar.

(b) The Chairman;

The Chairman acts as chairman of meetings of the Members, Directors and ManCom and is primarily responsible for overseeing the management of the running of the activities of the Club, supervising staff and co-ordinating the development of the Club. The Chairman sets the agenda for meetings of Directors and ManCom and is responsible for co-ordinating agreed actions and the implementation of the Club's development plan and action plan.

(c) The Communications Officer;

Distributing results and match reports

Advertising and promoting fixtures, tournaments and functions

Seeking press coverage eg Ilford Recorder Targeted recruitment initiatives

Giving exposure to our sponsors and enticing new sponsors

Helping sponsors and contacts to promote the club

Using social media to promote what the club is doing and plans to do Posting video footage and pictures.

Adding articles and things of interest to the club website.

Facilitating the interactive use of the club website.

Helping members BeMorePurple.

(d) The Company Secretary

This is a statutory role with responsibilities governed by the Companies Acts. The Company Secretary is responsible for the upkeep of company registers, filing at Companies House and for convening and recording meetings of Members.

(e) A Computer Systems Officer

We are trying to find a volunteer to help look after the Club's computer systems.

(f) The Co-Opted Members;

Co-opted Members are appointed to serve on ManCom by the Directors and to assist with specific matters as requested by the Directors;

(g) the Covid Officer;

This is a role which we have had to create during the Covid pandemic. The Covid Officer has been responsible for the Club's compliance with Covid rules following the return to participation;

(h) The Data Protection Officer

This is a statutory role. Each company must have a designated data protection officer. The officer is responsible for the Club's compliance with its privacy policy and the training of those with access to Club data.

(i) The Discipline Officer;

The Discipline Officer is responsible for all aspects of Member discipline and for dealing with leagues and regulatory bodies on behalf of the Club in relation to disciplinary breaches.

(j) The East League Liaison Officer

This is a role which involves acting as the first point of contact for the East Leagues and dealing with the registration of teams and Club compliance with league rules.

(k) The Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity & Belonging ("EDIB") Officer

The EDIB Officer chairs the EDIB committee and sits on the Welfare committee and advises ManCom on best practice.

(l) The Finance Officer

This is a key role for the Club. The Finance Officer works closely with the Chairman and is primarily responsible for setting budgets, monitoring and approving spending, compliance with the finance manual and finance procedures and the production of management accounts and year end accounts. The Finance Officer is supported by the General Manager and an accounts clerk as well as having the benefit of support from the Club's auditors and tax advisers.

(m) The General Manager;

These are the roles delegated to the General Manager to administer.

Act as day to day club office manager and administration manager.

Management of all Club facilities including pitch & hall bookings and their staffing.

Management of buildings & staff. Management and administration of membership records & payments.

Management and monitoring of Club contracts with suppliers and customers and service providers.

Registration of teams and players to leagues, cups and tournaments.

Organisation and co-ordination of fixtures, changing room allocations & communications to captains/managers and coaches and umpires for matches.

Sage system input, banking, reconciliation and VAT returns and other tax and accounting related information for Club accounts.

Preparation and checking of staff worksheets, cover arrangements and holidays.

Staff payroll and cheques. Marketing of facilities.

Liaison with local press and other media.

Liaison with UK Sport, local authorities, England, East and Essex hockey and leagues.

Development of external funding streams including sponsorship.

Representation of the Club in the wider hockey community.

Development of links with schools, societies, other clubs and hockey related businesses.

(n) The Groundsman;

The Groundsman lives on site and is responsible for the day to day upkeep of both the clubhouse and the pitches as caretaker and groundsman.

(o) The Health and Safety Officer;

The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for the Club's compliance with health and safety legislation and is supported by external advisers.

(p) The Ladies Club Captain;

The Ladies Captain is responsible for the co-ordination of the Ladies section and works with the captains, coaches and managers and umpires to deal with all playing, selection and related matters. She is a member of ManCom and liaises between the captains and managers and ManCom;

(q) The Ladies Fixtures Secretary;

The role of Ladies Fixtures Secretary involves working with the Men's Fixtures Secretary and the general Manager to determine home pitch allocations at the beginning of the season. fixtures at the beginning of the  It involves supporting team captains with confirming fixtures and any rearranged fixtures by contacting the relevant people in other clubs as well as league and tournament secretaries.

(r) The Ladies Team Secretary;

The role has primarily involved the registration of playing members with the Essex Ladies League (now subsumed with the East leagues) as well as administering the ladies shirt numbers;

(q) The Membership Secretary;

This is one of the most important roles for the Club and involves the setting of annual fees for approval by the Members, the allocation of membership categories to all Members, the allocation of players to age group squads, the registration of all Club Members, the collection of fees and the guidance to Members on registration and the reporting to captains, coaches and managers on the status of registration for eligibility purposes. The Membership Secretary is supported by the General Manager and there is a responsibilities document which sets out who does which aspects of this role.

(r) The Men’s Club Captain;

The Men’s Captain is responsible for the co-ordination of the Men’s section and works with the captains, coaches and managers and umpires to deal with all playing, selection and related matters. He is a member of ManCom and liaises between the captains and managers and ManCom;

(s) The Men’s Fixtures Secretary;

The Men's Fixtures Secretary overseas all men's league fixtures at the beginning of the season and assists with game scheduling and anomalies.  Subsequently throughout the season, the Fixtures Secretary will often be the first point of contact with other clubs to confirm fixture timing and changes and for any problems arising.  He will deal with postponements and sorting out the rearrangement of fixtures. The role  involves contacting other clubs as well as league and tournament secretaries;

(t) The Umpire Development Officer

This role is in tandem with that of the Umpire Liaison Officer and concentrates on developing new and existing umpires across the club.

(u) The President;

The role of President is an Honorary role. The President is a Director of the Club as well as a member of ManCom. The President represents the Club at hockey events and hosts events at the Club.

(v) The Playing and Performance Officer;

The Men's Team Secretary acts as playing and performance officer and works with the Playing and Coaching committee and is responsible for the overall performance of the men's section and has the specific role of working with captains. coaches and managers to co-ordinate the development of players and their progression through the Club's teams. He is also responsible for the development and performance of indoor hockey.

(w) The Property Management Officer;

This role replaces the House and Grounds Role. The property Management Officer chairs the Property Management Committee and is responsible for the supervision of the maintenance, upkeep and development of the Club's clubhouse and pitches .

(x) The Social Secretary(ies);

Social Secretaries are responsible for social events and functions on behalf of Members;

)y) The Sponsorship Officer

The Club is looking for a volunteer to help develop the Club's sponsorship opportunities. The role would involve finding innovative ways to encourage potential sponsors to support the Club.

(z) The Umpires Liaison Officer

The Umpires Liaison Officer is responsible for arranging for umpires to be available for all teams as well as working with the Umpire Development Officer in the recruitment, training and development of new umpires on behalf of the Club.

(aa) The Vice Chairman;

This is an honorary title with no specific responsibilities and intended to designate a Member without portfolio as an officer of the Club when representing the Club. The Vice chairman primarily supports the work of the Chairman.

(bb) The Web-Site co-ordinator;

The Web-site co-ordinator works with the Communications Officer and ManCom members to keep the Club website uptodate, relevant and interesting. Specific updating responsibilities are delegated to the General Manager and volunteers; and

(cc) The Welfare and Safeguarding Officer;

This safeguarding role is vitally important for the club. Please see the Safeguarding page for more information.